Condensation can be a real problem as it provides an ideal environment for black mould to proliferate and exposure to this mould can cause respiratory illnesses, allergies and asthma

It results when warm, moisture laden air meets a cold surface, causing the water to condense; cooking, drying clothes and just breathing, amongst other things, all cause water vapour and uninsulated exterior walls provide the cold surface. It is particularly prevalent in areas where there is little air flow (in and behind wardrobes, for example). Victorian and Edwardian houses were constructed with solid brick walls which have no insulation so this a problem that is shared by many homes

You can, of course, clean away the mould (bleach, vinegar etc) but that only deals with the symptom and not the cause.  To eliminate the mould completely two things need to happen:

We have developed a breathable insulation system that will solve the problem permanently by dealing with these two problems

The result is that there will be no more condensation and so no mould on the walls.  

The room will also feel warmer as the air will be dryer and of course, it will be more affordable to heat!