On site..
'Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.'
-Confucius? Mark Twain?
I started Guardian Developments back in 2007 with the development of a property in Shepherd's Bush and learnt so much from that experience. No two days were the same - I learnt the importance of good planning and organisation but also that flexibility and imagination were needed when things didn't go quite according to plan - building work is inherently unpredictable as we are dealing with old buildings and some problems only reveal themselves when we start work... I think my favourite times were when everyone had gone home and I had the site to myself; I would walk around looking at everything and feel a deep sense of satisfaction at all the ideas and conversations made real. I absolutely loved it. And I had also learnt that I had found the thing that I wanted to do..
The property in Shepherd's Bush where it all began.